Modern Chess 100 & Man-Ganak Academy welcomes you to the reinvented traditional 1400 year old Chess transformed into Modern Chess of 100 squares as the New Super Brain-Power Game ( आधुनिक बुद्धिबळ ) This is the Latest Improved Advance Modified, more interesting and the only Complete Version of Chess available in the world today. It is more than 50 % larger and challenging than the conventional version of Chess of 64 squares being played today all over the world. The age-old game of Chess is over-hauled to modernize it completely
Some-times certain part/s of the chess board of the conventional game used to get blocked by pawns or pieces in such a way that the game almost comes to a stand-still situation. The conventional game of chess has small space for alternative movements of pieces to over-come this situation, whereas in the Modern Chess-100, or The Brain Power Game-100 much more space has been made available for alternative movements of pieces to over-come it. The need of modifications in the game of chess is felt here very badly.
Thus The conventional Chess of 64 squares had become old and almost out-of- date. It was still loitering in medieval historical period. It had reached stagnation & saturation stage & needed total renovation thorough such deserving changes overdue for long time.
The modified Chess board, has 100 squares of 10 x 10 grid, in place of earlier 64 squares only, in the conventional version which is more than 50% improvement in Total space. The New version has 40 pieces in place of 32 only in the old version. The new veresion provides 60 squares of free space to play, against only 32 squares in old version. Thus renovation has almost doubled the open space required to play on the Chess Board, These features themselves are the greatest achievement of modernization of Chess.
Old names of all pieces in the Conventional game of Chess are also changed into modern democratic war machines. Similarly some rules are also modified for more flexibility & speed. The examples being two methods for Checkmate to reduce chances of draws, Modified Castling and En-Passent. It provides many interesting feature for the young generation like introduction of Doubles Category, simultaneous multiple mooves on the Chess Board. With optional High speed game rules it will surely attract the Vidoe games playing generations to it.
Improvement in Memory, helps in diseases like dementia,
Improvement in Concentration & Patience,
Improvement in Imagination & Visualization,
Improvement in Creativity, independent Thinking skills,
Improvement in Social skills,
Improvement in Confidence in self-study & hard work,
Improvement in Logical Thinking, progress in subjects like Maths, Science & Technology,
Improvement in Vision, Analysing, Planning skills & alternate planning on mistakes realization,
Improvement in IQ, as well as,
Improvement in EQ by learning to have patience.